Sunday 1 November 2015

Working in the outdoor classroom

In the middle of the forest we discovered more fairy houses. These were different to those discovered outside our classroom before. Could this be where the ‘Forest Fairies ‘ live’?  On closer inspection we noticed that they had been cooking and had left their washing basket outside, with tiny pegs, ready to hang out their washing. We decided to use our knot skills and we constructed a washing line. Then, we carefully hung their washing out to dry. A few of us practised tying knots around the trunks of the trees and some of us began building dens. We were very quiet so as not to disturb the fairies, who were fast asleep inside their homes.

We have enjoyed working in the outdoor classroom working out how to create small and large squares out of art straws. By using the ‘square song’ we were able to check that our shapes were squares and not rectangles.

With reference to the artist Kandinsky we became familiar with the properties of a circle, as well developing our painting skills, using the water colour paints. This was a very good task for developing our fine motor skills, using an effective grip of a thin and delicate paintbrush. We had to concentrate and persevere, as it wasn’t easy to control!

Some of us have challenged ourselves and had a ‘go’ at relief printing. Using the roller and ink was tricky, but with determination we mastered the printing process and thoroughly enjoyed it!

Reflecting on our Harvest Festival, we have been discussing what farmers grow and deciding which of their crops we like to eat. We have also been discussing what we need to eat to keep ourselves healthy. Also, following the story of the Good Samaritan which was dramatized in church, we have been thinking and discussing ‘friendship’. We realise that we are already making so many friends and are enjoying our special times together.

Soon we will have completed our first half term together.

After the holiday we will be following an interest in ‘Nocturnal Animals’ and ‘Life inside a Cave’. 
The first story follows our interest in bears: Can’t You Sleep Little Bear’, by Martin Waddell.

Enjoy a well deserved break.

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