Friday 6 November 2015

Light and dark and life inside a cave.

On our way to Forest School we noticed that the moon was still out in the sky, the sun was shining brightly and our shadows were cast on the ground. This puzzled us and we started to question and explore the connection between these observations.
Jack commented: ‘The days are getting shorter. It’s nearer to Christmas. The time is changing and it might be dark even before we go to bed.’

Tilly added: ‘I noticed that the moon followed me on my way to school today!’

In response to our observation of the moon in the sky we shared the bear story (because we love bears!) ‘Can’t you sleep Little Bear?’ by Martin Waddell. This sparked our interest in the cave and light and dark.
Using the thinking floor mat we mapped out our shared knowledge and understanding of the sources of light. After we discussed and shared our thoughts, we tried to categorise the sources of light into ‘electrical’ ‘natural’ and  ‘burning’. We realised, that although at first we thought the moon was a source of light, that in actual fact it reflects the light from the sun. With this realisation we were able to make the connection between our observations of the moon being out during the day, whilst the sun was shining brightly.

Lorimer brought in two of his favourite stories about bears: ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’ by Michael Rosen and ‘The Gruffalo’s Child’ by Julia Donaldson. Both stories show images of a cave and life inside a cave. Lorimer also brought in his toy hedgehog. Rosa informed us that the hedgehog was a ‘nocturnal’ animal, which inspired us to mind map and share our knowledge and understanding of nocturnal life.

Then one morning as some of us went outside to record what we could find living outside we stumbled upon on a big cave! And inside there was a giant bear!

Using a homemade ‘bat’ by Lorimer, as a stencil, we set about making lots of bats for our cave in class. Like Little Bear in the story we have read, we added some light sources to help us see in the dark inside the cave.

Some of us have been exploring mixing colours on the light box.
On 5th November, on the anniversary of the Gunpowder Plot, we created some beautiful collages and pastel drawings of fireworks and fire.

As you can see we have been very busy this week and are keen to learn more…

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