Thursday 14 May 2015

May Day Celebrations

We have had a very busy time recently. The children enjoyed their flight to Spain with Captain Matthew and Co-Pilot Dawson. When they landed in Spain the children enjoyed participating in flamenco dancing and playing Spanish musical instruments. They arrived safely back at St. Chad’s, having their passports stamped.

Mr. Knight and his squire Holly, visited the Foundation Stage. The children really enjoyed trying on pieces of armour and chain mail! Mr. Knight was very impressed with the children’s knowledge and understanding of castles and armour.

On Friday 1st May  the children embarked on their trip along the canal in Uppermill, on the ‘Pennine Moonraker’ barge. This opportunity for learning outside the classroom, reinforced the learning inside the classroom, facilitated by Mrs. Wood on canals. Everyone had a wonderful time! 

 During the afternoon the children took part in ‘May Day’ celebrations, by joining in with dancing around the ‘Maypole’ led by Miss Dunkerley and the Year 4 and 5 children.